Note: This article deals specifically with an error while loading Battery 4 in Komplete Kontrol. If you have purchased Battery 4 separately, own it as part of a Komplete bundle, or if you experience this error when loading another instrument, please see the Related Articles linked at the bottom of the page.
When attempting to load a Battery 4 Kit from the All Instruments tab in Komplete Kontrol, you receive the error: Could not load Plug-in.
Expansions contain Battery 4 content which appears in the Komplete Kontrol browser. If you own a NI Expansion but do not have a valid Battery 4 license, this error will appear when trying to load the Battery content.
If you want to remove the Battery 4 entries from Komplete Kontrol altogether, you will need to locate the Battery kits from each Expansion and manually delete them.
- Find the install location of your Expansion. In Native Access, you can click the Expansion icon, then Installation Paths:
The default content install location is:
- macOS: Macintosh HD > Users > Shared > *Expansion name*
- Windows: C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > *Expansion name* - Open the Expansion folder, then Sounds, and delete the folder Battery Kits.
macOS example:
Windows example: - Finally, start the Komplete Kontrol software, open Preferences > Library > Factory, and click the Rescan button:
- The Battery 4 Kits are now removed from the Komplete Kontrol Browser. Please repeat this process for all Expansions.
Please note that if you own Maschine, those same Battery Kits are available in the native Maschine format. The Maschine Kits additionally include insert effects, as well as Massive, Monark, Prisim, and Drum Synth, presets. This offers you even greater flexibility than using the Battery Kits. You access these from the All Groups tab:
On another note: if you want to try out Battery 4, you can download the demo from here. Battery 4 is also included with our Komplete Now subscription bundle.