Maschine offers a set of Accessibility features for visually-impaired users.
The NI Accessibility Helper is an application that runs alongside the Maschine software, enabling producers with visual impairments to hear which controls they are using.
Please install the NI Accessibility Helper with Native Access. You can find the installers for Native Access here:
You need to load the Accessibility Helper before you load the main Maschine 2 program from now on.
When the Accessibility Helper finishes loading you should hear it announce “Accessibility Helper Ready. For help, go to the Accessibility Helper window and press H”. This message tells you that the Helper is ready for you to load Maschine 2.
Further Resources
Below you will find the Accessibility guide video, a transcript of the video and a link to the manual:
Here is the video transcript:
You can find the Accessibility manual here: