If the following error message shows up when starting TRAKTOR, the program is not able to access the specified Root Directory folder. This happens if TRAKTOR's Root Directory has been set to a volume (external hard drive, network volume, USB memory) that is not connected to your computer. It may also happen if you copied over your settings from another computer and the file paths on the new system do not match the original ones.
Note: The Root Directory contains important TRAKTOR user data, including settings, the Track Collection, and various backup files.
By clicking OK, TRAKTOR PRO will automatically create a new Root Directory with factory default settings under Documents > Native Instruments > Traktor x.x.x. If you want to restore your settings and collection, select your custom Root Directory under Preferences > File Management > Directories > Root Dir (if your custom Root Directory is located on an external volume, connect it to your computer first). You can change the path by clicking on the exclamation mark icon.
Note: Read this article to learn more about TRAKTOR's Root Directory.
TRAKTOR PRO 1 (Legacy)
If you are using the first version of TRAKTOR PRO, the Root Directory will not be reset automatically. You can either connect the missing volume and restart TRAKTOR to restore your settings and collection or you can manually reset the Root Directory to its default path by following the instructions below.
Mac OS X
- Go to Macintosh HD > Users > *User Name* > Library > Preferences
- Delete the following file: "com.native-instruments.Traktor Pro.plist"
Note: The User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on the task bar entry Go and press down the Alt key. The Library entry will become visible in the drop-down menu and can now be selected.
- Click on the Start menu.
- Type in "regedit" and hit the return key on your keyboard.
- In the registry go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Native Instruments > TRAKTOR PRO
- Right click the entry TRAKTOR PRO in the list and delete it.