In this article, we explain how to uninstall TRAKTOR from a Windows computer. This is useful if you need to reinstall TRAKTOR to solve an issue and restore your settings from a backup.
Data Backup
Before proceeding, we recommend that you back up your TRAKTOR Root Directory files. These contain all of your own Settings and Track Collection data. Please see this article to learn more about the Root Directory and the files installed with TRAKTOR.
Follow the steps below to create a backup of your settings.
- Quit TRAKTOR if it's running and go to the following location on your computer:
C: > Users > *Your User Name* > Documents > Native Instruments
Note: If using a different Root Directory path, go to that location instead. You can check the root directory in TRAKTOR Preferences > File Management > Directories.
- Scroll through the Native Instruments folder and locate the TRAKTOR folders. These will be named Traktor 3.x.x, Traktor 2.x.x, or just "Traktor" if using the first version of TRAKTOR PRO.
- Copy the TRAKTOR folders to a backup drive or cloud storage.
Note: We recommend copying all versions of the folders to ensure a full backup.
- Delete the TRAKTOR folders from Documents after backing them up, as they will not be removed when you uninstall TRAKTOR.
See the next chapter below for instructions to uninstall the TRAKTOR software from your Windows computer.
Uninstalling the TRAKTOR Software
- Press the Windows Start button and type programs into the search field.
- Click Add or remove programs when it appears in the search results.
- In Apps & features, type Traktor into the search field, then scroll through the results to find your product. The TRAKTOR software and hardware driver can be selected here.
Note: If your TRAKTOR version is not listed, or if Apps & features does not allow the uninstallation, please follow the Solution in this article.
- Select your version of TRAKTOR and click Uninstall.
Note: Click Yes if Windows User Account Control asks to make changes.
- Follow the remaining onscreen prompts to proceed with the uninstallation.
- Restart the computer once the uninstallation process is finished.
Reinstalling and Restoring TRAKTOR
Once all of the above steps are completed, TRAKTOR will be removed entirely from your computer. If you are uninstalling TRAKTOR to troubleshoot an issue, you can now launch Native Access to reinstall it.
Please see the articles linked below for instructions to restore the TRAKTOR Settings and Track Collection from a backup.