Note: If you are on Mac OS X 10.10 (and higher) or Windows 7 (and higher), you can also use the Relocate function in Native Access as explained in this article.
This article explains how to move the MASCHINE Factory Library to another location on your computer.
- If you have not already installed the MASCHINE Factory Library or Expansion Pack on your external hard drive, copy the whole directory to the external drive now.
- Open MASCHINE's Preferences, and go the the Library tab. Click on the small Directory icon next to the Maschine 2 Factory Library path.
- In the Locate Directory for Maschine 2 Factory Library dialog, select the Maschine 2 Library directory on your external drive and press Choose.
- Once the new path is selected, you may be prompted to enter your computer's administrator password if you are on OS X. After doing this MASCHINE will update its Database to include the MASCHINE Factory Library's new location.