This article explains how to record and sample your system output internally using MASCHINE 2. This allows you to directly sample from internal sources such as iTunes or Youtube, etc.
Note: the sampling of third-party content (e.g. recordings) may infringe third-party rights, especially copyrights in the master recording and / or the underlying composition. Before using such material, please make sure that you are not infringing any such rights.
This requires the free third-party audio routing software Soundflower. This software is not manufactured or supported by Native Instruments and we cannot guarantee its functionality and safety.
Installing Soundflower and Routing the System Output
- Download and install the latest version of Soundflower. You can find it here.
Note: Soundflower is not compatible with computers equipped with M1/Silicon processors.
- Once installed, select Soundflower (2ch) as your sound output device in the macOS System Preferences > Sound tab. Your system's audio output is now routed to Soundflower, which includes applications like iTunes or any internet browser.
- Then, navigate to your Applications > Utilities folder and open the Audio MIDI Setup tool.
- Create a new Aggregate Device by clicking on the + icon on the bottom left and check the Soundflower (2ch) boxes and the audio interface your speakers are connected to so that you can still monitor the audio you want to sample later on. In our example, we are simply using the MacBook Speakers to monitor the audio routed through Soundflower.
Setting up the Audio Routing in MASCHINE
- Go to File > Preferences and navigate to the Audio tab.
- In the Audio tab's Device section, select the Aggregate Device you created in the steps above. In the Routings > Input section, connect MASCHINE In 1 L and MASCHINE In 1 R to 1 and Aggregate Device R respectively.
- Under Routings > Output, make sure MASCHINE Out 1 L and MASCHINE Out 1 R are connected to the outputs of the audio interface you are using to monitor the audio. These will be numbered as shown in the Audio MIDI Setup window from the steps in the first chapter of this article. In our example, it is 1 and Aggregate Device Out 1 respectively.
Setting up the Record Page in Sampling Mode
- Enter Sampling Mode either by pressing the SAMPLING button on your MASCHINE controller or by pressing the waveform icon next to the Sound Slot you wish to use for sampling. Make sure you are on the Record tab.
- In the RECORDING section, make sure you have set the recording SOURCE to Ext. Ster. and the INPUT to In 1 L+R. If everything is set up correctly, you can now see an incoming signal in the horizontal record meter. Additionally, activate the Monitor section so that the audio passes through to your previously selected audio interface.
- Press Start to start recording.
Note: If the recording doesn't start and MASCHINE shows Waiting for next bar..., you have to press play to start recording. For more information on the different recording modes, please refer to the MASCHINE 2 software operation manual from this page (Chapter 16.2.2, Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode).
You are now recording all audio routed through the system output, including iTunes, Spotify as well as web media from Youtube, Vimeo, etc.