Follow the steps below if you want to cancel the Transfer of your NI product after having received the confirmation e-mail from our Registration Support team containing your License Transfer ID:
- Go to the Native Instruments website, click the user icon in the upper right and choose My account. Log in if prompted.
- In MY ACCOUNT, choose License transfer from the menu bar on the upper-right area of the screen.
Note: If you cannot see License transfer in the menu bar, make sure your Browser's window is large enough or click on More in the menu bar and choose License transfer from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select SEE LICENSES IN TRANSFER under WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?
- Click on CANCEL THIS TRANSFER at the bottom of the READY FOR TRANSFER page. The products will be linked back to your own NI user account.
Note: You can only cancel a Transfer if the buyer has not yet imported the Transfer ID to his account.