This article provides direct links and steps to download the Classic Piano Collection libraries for KONTAKT. These are legacy products and cannot be downloaded through Native Access.
Please select your version of Native Access:
Native Access 2
These steps apply to macOS 10.14 (or higher) and Windows 10 (or higher).
Note: If using an earlier version of macOS or Windows, please see the Native Access 1 section further below.
Use the following links to download the zipped piano libraries:
Once downloaded, unpack the zipped files and move the whole library folders to your samples folder or hard drive.
Start Native Access 2 and go to Preferences > Legacy Products and enable the toggle to show discontinued products.
Restart Native Access and go to Library > Available > Kontakt and scroll to one of the Classic Piano library listings. In this example, we choose BERLIN CONCERT GRAND.
Click the Locate tab next to Berlin Concert Grand.
Click the folder symbol next to Choose a Location and navigate to the Berlin Concert Grand Library folder you downloaded. Click Confirm.
Repeat this process for the remaining Classic Piano Collection Libraries.
Native Access 1
These steps apply to OS X 10.9 to 10.13 and Windows 7 / 8.
You can find legacy Native Access installers for macOS 10.9 to 10.13 and Windows 7 / 8 in this article.
Instructions for Windows:
Here are the installers for the individual pianos. After the installation, simply open Native Access. This will activate the products automatically.
Instructions for Mac:
If you are using OS X 10.9 to macOS 10.12, please follow these steps:
1. Download the installers for the individual pianos:
2. Run the downloaded installers.
3. Open Native Access. The pianos will be activated automatically.
If you are using macOS 10.13 (or higher), please follow the steps of this workaround:
1. Download the zipped piano libraries:
2. Unpack the zipped files and move the whole library folder to the desired location on your hard drive.
3. Download the file Classic Piano Collection and unpack it. The folder contains 4 plist files:
4. Move the 4 plist files to the following folder:
Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences
5. Open Native Access and click the Installed products tab. The 4 pianos are now listed with a yellow Repair button.
6. Click the Repair button and choose Relocate. Navigate to the location of your piano library and repeat this step for all 4 pianos.
If you need further help with the relocate function in Native Access, please refer to the following article or video: