In this article, we explain how to use the MASCHINE Auto Sampler with an external synthesizer in Ableton Live.
Note: The Auto Sampler is available in MASCHINE 2.15.0 and higher.
Audio and MIDI Hardware Setup
In this example, MASCHINE MK3 is used, which serves as both the audio and MIDI interface. The external synthesizer uses audio and MIDI cable connections.
- If not using a MASCHINE MK3, make sure your audio / MIDI interface is connected and powered on.
- Connect audio cables from the external synthesizer's outputs to the LINE IN ports on the MASCHINE MK3 back panel.
- Connect a MIDI cable from the MASCHINE MK3 MIDI OUT to the MIDI IN port on your external synthesizer.
Ableton Live and MASCHINE Hardware Setup
Open the Ableton Preferences and enable your audio and MIDI interface.
This process can vary depending on which audio and MIDI interfaces are used. In this example, MASCHINE MK3 is enabled as both Audio and MIDI Input / Output devices.
Note: Please consult your Ableton Live documentation for more details on its audio and MIDI setup.
Setting Up Audio & MIDI Tracks in Ableton Live
Setting the MIDI Tracks
- Start Live and load MASCHINE on a MIDI track (e.g. 1 Maschine 2).
- Create another MIDI track for your external synthesizer (e.g. 2 MIDI). Under MIDI From, select the track containing the MASCHINE plug-in (e.g. 1-Maschine 2). This allows the synthesizer track to receive MIDI from the MASCHINE plug-in.
- On the same external synth track (2 MIDI), select the input channel directly under 1-Maschine 2. In this example, Maschine 2 is chosen.
- On the same external synth track (2 MIDI), select your MIDI interface directly under MIDI To. In this example, Maschine Mk3 is chosen. This will send MIDI out to your external synthesizer.
- Choose your external synth's MIDI channel.
- Record-enable the external synthesizer's MIDI track.
Setting the Audio Track
- Create an Audio track. Under Audio From, select Ext. In.
- Directly under Ext. In, select the inputs on your audio interface that are receiving the signal from your external synthesizer. In this example, the input pair 1/2 is chosen.
Note: Choose a stereo pair of inputs or a single mono input on your audio track, depending on your synthesizer's audio output.
- Under Audio To, select the the instrument track where MASCHINE is loaded (i.e. 1-Maschine 2). This will send the synthesizer's audio to MASCHINE.
- Directly under 1-Maschine 2, select the output channel. In this example, Maschine In 1 is chosen.
- Finally, set this audio track's Monitor to In.
MASCHINE Auto Sampler Setup
These are the minimum settings required for basic Auto Sampler functions. Parameters that are not mentioned have optional configurations.
- Open the MASCHINE plug-in window and select a sound slot (e.g. Sound 1).
- Click the sample waveform icon and set RECORDING > MODE to Auto.
- Set INPUT > SOURCE to your external audio source:
- Choose Ext. Ster. if using a synthesizer with a stereo output.
- Choose Ext. Mono. if using a synthesizer with a mono output.
Note: If using a mono output synthesizer, set INPUT to receive audio from the corresponding (left or right) input jack on your audio interface.
- Set INPUT > MIDI TO to Host.
- Set INPUT > CHANNEL to your external synthesizer's MIDI input channel.
Note: This is usually MIDI Channel 1, but your synth could be set to receive on any of the 16 available MIDI channels.
- Set NOTE MAP > KEY LO and KEY HI to a range of note values that will span the keymap. For this example, the KEY LO is C1 and the KEY HI is C6.
Note: This may vary depending on your synth's note range, (e.g. if capturing notes from an external sampler or drum machine).
- Set MONITOR to On in order to hear your external instrument's audio while sampling.
Using the Auto Sampler
- Load up a preset on your external synthesizer that you would like to sample.
- Click Start and allow the Auto Sampler process to complete. The Auto Sampler's progress will display the note currently being captured (e.g. C1, C#1, D1,etc.).
- Once completed, record-enable the DAW track where MASCHINE is loaded and play the Auto Sampled instrument with your MIDI keyboard.
Note: You can also press the KEYBOARD button on your MASCHINE controller to play the samples.
Saving the Instrument
The fastest way to save your Auto Sampler instrument is to save the DAW project. Alternatively, you can save your Auto Sampler instrument file as a MASCHINE sound file. Follow these steps to save the instrument.
- At the MASCHINE SOUND level, right-click the sound slot containing your Auto Sampler instrument (e.g. Sound 1) and click Save.
- Use the Save As window to name the instrument file. By default, it will be saved to the default MASCHINE Documents folder (macOS and Windows):
*System Drive* > Users > *Your User Name* > Documents > Native Instruments > Maschine 2 / 3 > Sounds
Note: The samples are stored in the Recordings folder within the Maschine 2 or Maschine 3 Documents. To save copies of the samples in the Sounds folder, choose Save with Samples when following these steps.
Where can I go from here?
This guide has shown just an example of the basic Auto Sampler functions. There are many ways to configure these options based on your synthesizer patch and how you play.
Additional Auto Sampler Settings
To learn more about the MASCHINE Auto Sampler and all of the setup options available, please refer to the online MASCHINE PDF Manual. See the *Auto Sampler section of the Sampling and Sample Mapping chapter. This provides a full description of all Auto Sampler options for setting up loop points, note lengths, velocity levels, and more.
Using the details from the manual in conjunction with the steps outlined above will help you to fine-tune your Auto Sampler instrument.
*Note: This part of the manual applies to all MASCHINE hardware models.