If your Kontakt 7 / 8 Browser is empty or incomplete, please follow these steps to reinitialize the Kontakt Database:
- Hold down the alt key on your computer's keyboard and click Go in the Finder menu bar. Choose the appearing Library entry in the drop-down menu.
- Navigate to Application Support > Native Instruments.
- Delete the folder "Kontakt 7" or "Kontakt 8".
- Start Kontakt 7 / 8 as a standalone application (not in your DAW).
- Click the Windows start button at the bottom left of your screen.
- Type "%localappdata%" and click the option that appears.
- Navigate to the Native Instruments folder.
- Delete the folder "Kontakt 7" or "Kontakt 8".
- Start Kontakt 7 / 8 as a standalone application (not in your DAW).