The most likely reason that the Komplete Ultimate hard drive may not be recognized is due to a lack of sufficient power via the USB connection. In order to provide the hard drive with enough power, please try the following:
- Unplug any other USB devices that may be connected, except for the keyboard and mouse.
- Make sure that you are connecting the drive to actual USB ports on your computer itself, rather than a USB hub, your Apple keyboard/monitor, or another external USB port.
- If you have to use a hub, make sure that it has its own dedicated power supply.
- If it is still not recognized, try a different USB cable if available.
- You may also want to check if the hard drive is recognized on a different computer to find out if you have to alter the settings for energy saving or have to update your USB driver.
Note: You can find more information on optimizing your computer's settings in the Related Articles section below.
- Tools that enable your Mac to fully manage NTFS hard drives are not supported. In case you have installed a NTFS tool, uninstall it and restart your computer, before you connect your KOMPLETE ULTIMATE hard drive. After the installation process, you can re-install the NTFS tool again.
Please note: Former Komplete Ultimate hard drives came with a "Y" shaped power-sharing USB-cable. The two USB plugs on one end have been provided in order to deliver enough power to the hard drive. If the USB port on your computer does not supply enough power to the Komplete Ultimate hard drive through the primary (thicker) wire of the "Y" shaped USB cable, plug in the unused connector on the secondary (thinner and shorter) wire to another USB port on your computer (or a powered USB hub) to provide more power.