如果您的 Maschine 控制器的打击垫没有按照预期进行响应或者完全没有反应,则使用 灵敏度参数 重新校准它们可能会有所帮助。
- 请运行 Maschine 2 并跳转到 偏好设置(Preferences)> 硬件(Hardware) > 打击垫灵敏度(Pad Sensitivity)。
- 请使用 灵敏度(Sensitivity)滑块调整打击垫对您的打击的反应。这个参数将为您的每次打击设置一个 阈值来判断是否为一个有效的打击。请逐渐从右向左移动滑块,直到找到一个适合您的打击力度的设置。下图中显示的灵敏度设置是一个我们建议的参考灵敏度值:
If your MASCHINE Controller's Pads do not react as expected or become irresponsive, it can be helpful to recalibrate them by adjusting their Sensitivity.
- Launch MASCHINE 2 and go to Preferences > Hardware > Pad Sensitivity.
- Use the Sensitivity slider to adjust how sensitive the pads respond to your touch. This sets the minimum threshold at which the MASCHINE controller will register a hit. Move the slider gradually from the right to the left until you find a setting which suits you best. The setting below is a good reference point: